The News

The latest articles and news relating to rural living...

CODI Assists Rural BC Physicians

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CODI — which stands for Critical Outreach & Diagnostic Intervention — allows rural physicians to instantly reach out to specialists, who are able to provide support and guidance, instantly. This made-in-rural-BC iOS app is in…

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Leslie Carty of the RCCbc

Leslie Carty Discusses RCCbc

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Leslie Carty, Executive Manager of the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc), discusses the organization, its mandate to improve rural health care in British Columbia, and some of its initiatives in this conversation, recorded at…

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Garbriola Island has a health centre

Gabriola Island DIY Health Centre

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Gabriola Island (pop. 4,000) is a remote community just off of Nanaimo, British Columbia. After years of patch-work health care, community members determined the need for reliable medical care that wouldn’t require helicopters or ferries…

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asset based community development with Peter Kenyon

ABCDE, a la Peter Kenyon!

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“Shift the development mindset from needs and deficiencies to assets and capacities — from consumer, customer, and client, to co-producer, co-owner, and citizen.” Peter Kenyon   If your rural or remote community can use a…

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Asset based community development guru Peter Kenyon

Peter Kenyon to BC?

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Peter Kenyon, Australian-based founder of the Bank of I.D.E.A.S and renowned rural development leader, has made a lasting impression on scores of rural BC stakeholders over the past couple of years. BC Rural Centre Executive…

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