The News

The latest articles and news relating to rural living...

Community Forestry in Canada — Professor Sara Teitelbaum

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BC Rural Centre
BC Rural Centre
Community Forestry in Canada — Professor Sara Teitelbaum

Community forestry in Canada has taken root over the past three decades. Locally run forestry initiatives have been hailed as welcome alternatives to large corporate and industrial logging practices, yet little research has been done…

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International Cooperation Comes to Kamloops!

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The BC Council for International Cooperation (BCCIC) warmly has extended an invitation to attend the BC 2030 Meeting on November 21st in Kamloops. The meeting will discuss how the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) link to the work going on…

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Dennis Walker on Rural Internet Radio

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BC Rural Centre
BC Rural Centre
Dennis Walker on Rural Internet Radio

Canadian media is becoming increasingly concentrated. A relatively small number of companies control most of Canada’s airwaves. This means most small rural communities lack the meaningful local news and information small-town newspapers and radio stations…

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Fogo Island

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In a country full of tiny, remote communities, Newfoundland’s tiny Fogo Island has to rank among the smallest and hardest to get to. Devastated by the collapse of the cod fishery in the 1990s, Fogo…

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Local Agriculture — a Chat With Rob Gay

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BC Rural Centre
BC Rural Centre
Local Agriculture — a Chat With Rob Gay

Rob Gay is both the Area C Director and chair of the Regional District East Kootenay. Rob sits on the board of SIBAC, and through the Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Governments helped organize a…

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First Nations & the Web — a Conversation with Jeff Ward

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BC Rural Centre
BC Rural Centre
First Nations & the Web — a Conversation with Jeff Ward

Canada’s oldest cultures are embracing the 21st century! Victoria-based Jeff Ward, the founder of Aboriginally owned and operated web developer Animikii, named Aboriginal Business of The Year by the BC Achievement Foundation in 2010, is a prime example.…

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Heidi Khokhar

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BC Rural Centre
BC Rural Centre
Heidi Khokhar

Eugene, Oregon-based Rural Development Initiatives (RDI), has supported the creation of resilient rural communities in Oregon and northern California for over 25 years. Through programs such as WealthWorks Northwest, Rural Economic Vitality Workshops, and First Impressions,…

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