Wildfire Risk Reduction and Enhanced Fibre Utilization Project Funding

FESBC Welcomes Applications for Wildfire Risk Reduction and Enhanced Fibre Utilization Project Funding Kamloops, B.C. – The Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) continues to accept applications to fund forest enhancement projects, year-round. In the Provincial Government’s Budget 2024, FESBC was entrusted with $60 million in funding; $20 million to be allocated each year over…

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Trail and Rossland Sign Recreation Agreement for 2024

ROSSLAND – In a move towards continued regional collaboration, the cities of Trail and Rossland have reached a Trail Resident Program (TRP) recreation services agreement for one year that would come into effect January 1, 2024. This agreement marks a significant step forward in promoting community well-being, sharing resources and enhancing recreational opportunities. The agreement permits residents…

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BC Doctor Develops National Guide for the Greening of Health Care

The healthcare sector is among the most polluting, contributing 5 per cent of Canada’s total greenhouse gas. A Kimberley-based physician, Dr. Ilona Hale, and a team of health care professionals have produced a new resource, specifically aimed at clinicians called ‘Planetary Health for Primary Care’. “It’s an online guide for healthcare providers meant to make…

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New and Improved Public Spaces and Tourism Experiences

The Government of Canada is making investments across British Columbia to refresh community spaces, attract new visitors, and stimulate local economies Safe and inclusive public spaces and dynamic tourism attractions are key to vibrant communities. They bring together people of all ages and abilities, in turn supporting businesses and boosting economic vitality. Throughout the East…

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Study finds Rural Connectivity Benefits People, Economy

The Kootenay Connectivity Benefits Study, released by BC Stats, finds high-speed internet connectivity expansions in rural, remote and Indigenous communities positively impacts both local and provincial economies in the short and long term. Read the Full Report Here: Kootenay Connectivity Report 2022 BC Stats conducted a study of the Kootenay Economic Region to examine the…

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Farmers Enhancing Riparian Areas – Kootenay Program Expands to New Regions

Farmers and ranchers in the Columbia Valley will continue to see rewards for taking action to conserve and enhance important riparian areas on their farms. The Windermere District Farmers’ Institute (WDFI) was one of nine groups named in January to receive a share of $133,600 this year through the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund for…

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Rural Development Success Story

Originally Posted on: Nelson Chamber of Commerce   Over the last five years, Canada has been a high-tech job creation machine. Year after year, the Toronto area alone has generated more technology jobs than San Francisco, Seattle or any other U.S. city. Vancouver has seen a similar economic boom. Both cities, with top universities and hospitals,…

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House Sales Are Booming in Rural BC

House Sales Are Booming in Rural BC — and Renters Are Getting Slammed A July 2021 article by Alex Cosh in “TheTyee.ca” discusses how increasing house prices in many smaller rural communities are causing problems for renters and long-time residents. Read the article here.

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Seniors’ Housing

Slocan seniors’ housing hosts grand opening Sept. 27 Years of hard work, stamina and emotion have gone into the creation and construction of Slocan City Suites, the new seniors’ housing that celebrates its grand opening on Thursday, Sept. 27 in the Village of Slocan. “We’ll call it a ‘soft’ grand opening,” says Slocan Valley Seniors’…

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Rural Bandwidth + Creative Entrepreneurs = Kootenay Business TV

MOST SMALL towns — let alone tiny villages and rural regions — lack daily newspapers, or radio and television stations. News tends to flow in only one direction in BC — from Vancouver & Victoria out to the rest of us! Well, two new media pioneers — Kerry McArthur and Mark Wolfe — are changing that,…

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