Video Library
The BC Rural Centre Video Library contains timely, impactful, and community-minded videos on many rural, remote and First Nations topics.
Cormac Russell Explains Asset-Based Community Development
Cormac Russell is Managing director of Nurture Development, one of eleven strategic partners of the ABCD Institute,…
Farmers Have a Future — Lindsey Shute
Farmers have a future. At least according to Lindsey Lusher Shute, Executive Director and…
Local Manufacturing Big in Rural America
Local manufacturing matters in rural America, employing more than 3.5 million workers. As rural America’s…
Is There a Doctor in the House? Attracting Physicians to Rural Towns
Is there a doctor in the house? Rural health care is a pressing challenge for…
Affordable Rural Housing — the View from Yorkshire, UK
Affordable rural housing is often at a premium in small communities and rural regions. While…
Rural American Fairs & Festivals
It’s Fall, and across rural North America, festivals and fairs are in full swing, celebrating…
Rural Youth Engagement Showcase
In this brief video produced by the Rural Ontario Institute, we’re introduced to Emily Morrison,…
Peter Kenyon, Founder, The Bank of I.D.E.A.S., delivers an inspirational keynote
Peter Kenyon, renowned Australian rural development expert, delivers an entertaining — and inspirational — keynote…
Seabird Island First Nation showcases its capacity for partnerships
The Seabird Island community is well positioned within British Columbia with natural beauty, abundant natural…
How to create a community investment vehicle
These video modules comes to us courtesy of the Alberta Community & Co-operative Association. Each…
Unleashing Local Capital
The Alberta Community & Cooperative Association’s Unleashing Local Capital project empowers communities to invest locally, direct their…
Decent health care, an ongoing rural challenge
It’s difficult to imagine a functioning community without access to a school, basic infrastructure, and…
Rural citizens investing in themselves in Creston
Rural citizens investing in themselves in Creston? What does that mean? Every year, rural Canadians…
Rural Broadband via “Air Fibre — Kaslo InfoNet’s Tim Ryan
Kaslo InfoNet’s Tim Ryan explains how Kaslo’s community non-profit ISP managed to get high-speed fibre…
Heidi Khokhar

Eugene, Oregon-based Rural Development Initiatives (RDI), has supported the creation of resilient rural communities in Oregon…
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