BC rural development
Study finds Rural Connectivity Benefits People, Economy
The Kootenay Connectivity Benefits Study, released by BC Stats, finds high-speed internet connectivity expansions in rural, remote and Indigenous communities positively impacts both local and provincial economies in the short and long term. Read the Full Report Here: Kootenay Connectivity Report 2022 BC Stats conducted a study of the Kootenay Economic Region to examine the…
Read MoreNet Zero Energy Duplex at Williams Lake First Nation Completed
A new net zero energy duplex at Williams Lake First Nation (WLFN) in the Cariboo is one of six demonstration projects by builders across Canada. Zirnhelt Timber Frames near Williams Lake and five other companies are working with the Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CHBA) to advance the net zero home industry. For the new duplex’s…
Read MoreTool Box of Ideas for Smaller Centres
Introducing: A Tool Box of Ideas for Smaller Centres Purpose This toolbox is intended to help communities that wish to attract and retain newcomers. Within its pages, you will find ideas and illustrations designed to stimulate discussion about the benefits of incorporating immigrants and refugees into your community’s overall population strategy. Resources and best practices…
Read MoreWorking Professionals and Retirees Moving Out of the Lower Mainland
Working professionals and retirees make up the majority moving to Penticton – Most people are moving from the Lower Mainland A growing number of working professionals between the ages of 31 to 44 are moving to Penticton, many of whom have children, according to new data collected by the city. Of the 300 new residents…
Read MoreRural BC Project
The purpose of the Rural BC Project was to develop recommendations to the provincial government on actions that would help facilitate rural development in BC. The video below was produced in 2013 when the BC Rural Centre was SIBAC (Southern Interior Beetle Action Collation). SIBAC partnered with the other two regional Beetle Action Coalitions to…
Read MoreA Digital Divide Persists Between Rural and Urban Canadians
Are you getting the internet speeds you’re paying for? A digital divide persists between rural and urban Canadians. CIRA is mapping this divide through their Internet Performance Test (IPT) platform so they can help communities understand how best to tackle internet access issues in their area—but they need your help! Run an IPT today! It’s…
Read MoreHouse Sales Are Booming in Rural BC
House Sales Are Booming in Rural BC — and Renters Are Getting Slammed A July 2021 article by Alex Cosh in “TheTyee.ca” discusses how increasing house prices in many smaller rural communities are causing problems for renters and long-time residents. Read the article here.
Read More“Happy Valley”? Place-making in the Cowichan Valley
Charles Montgomery discusses”Happy Valley” — place-making focused on the future of Vancouver Island’s Cowichan Valley. Montgomery is an award-winning author, who helps people find new ways to change the world around them.
Read MoreNew Rural Dividend Intake Begins June 1, 2018, July 31 Deadline
New Rural Dividend Intake Announced The BC Rural Dividend provides $25 million a year to assist rural communities with a population of 25,000 or less to reinvigorate and diversify their local economies. It was developed to recognize both the contribution rural communities have made to B.C.’s economy, and the unique challenges they face to diversify…
Read MoreTale of Three Cities — Rural BC Tech-Based Innovation

Innovation is about staying relevant. We are in a time of unprecedented change. As a result, what may have helped a community or organization be successful in the past could potentially be the cause of their failure in the future. Communities and companies need to adapt and evolve to meet the ever changing needs of…
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