First Nations, Rural and Remote Real-Time Virtual Medicine — an Update

In a recent update, Dr. Ray Markham, Executive Director of the Rural Coordination Centre of British Columbia (RCCbc), notes that The Collaborative Centre for Rural and First Nations Virtually Enhanced Care was established last year. The Collaborative Centre is jointly supported and led by First Nations Health Authority (FNHA), Providence Health Services Authority (PHSA), and…

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First Nations Health Authority and Rural Coordination Centre of BC sign Memorandum of Understanding 

The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) and the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc) signed a Memorandum of Understanding in late 2019 at the FNHA’s Northern Regional Gathering in Prince George. The MOU formalizes the commitment of both organizations to work collaboratively to improve health outcomes for BC’s First Nations and non-First Nations populations living…

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A Look Back at 2019

2019 was a successful — and important — year in the BC Rural Centre’s evolution. Perhaps most significantly over the past 12 months, we’ve succeeded in implementing a new governance structure, creating an Advisory Committee featuring outstanding British Columbians from all across our province. We now, through our structure as well as our actions, clearly…

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Keeping It Rural 2019 in the Books!

  Keeping It Rural, our biennial conference focussing on issues of importance to rural and First Nations citizens was held on October 7th and 8th in Kelowna. An outstanding lineup of presenters tackled topics ranging from community forestry to innovative ways to attract young people to rural communities. This year’s conference was kicked off by…

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Rural Hospice and Palliative Care Models and Innovations

Rural hospice and palliative care is important

This report features three rural hospice and palliative care model programs and successful rural projects in the U.S. that can serve as a source of ideas, and provide lessons others have learned for practitioners and rural community-based organizations in British Columbia, and elsewhere in rural Canada.   Project ENABLE (Educate, Nurture, Advise, Before Life Ends)…

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HopeWest Hospice

  HopeWest Hospice is the only nonprofit hospice organization operating in Colorado’s Western Slope counties – Mesa, Delta, Montrose, Rio Blanco, and Ouray. It offers palliative care through physician specialist consultations, nursing homes, home-based care coordination, and their “Living with Cancer” program. Grief support is also available to children and adults. Founded in 1993, HopeWest emphasizes…

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Government-to-Government Partnerships Benefit All Stakeholders


Government-to-government partnerships are increasingly important for the well-being of rural British Columbians. The following brief overview provides some examples of government-to-government agreements, involving First Nations and adjacent municipalities, leading to positive benefits for all stakeholders. Kitselas and Kitsumkalum First Nations, and the City of Terrace The Challenge Economic development progress between local governments and neighbouring First…

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CODI Assists Rural BC Physicians

CODI — which stands for Critical Outreach & Diagnostic Intervention — allows rural physicians to instantly reach out to specialists, who are able to provide support and guidance, instantly. This made-in-rural-BC iOS app is in the field across rural BC. If your local healthcare provider isn’t aware of CODI, be sure to share this video!…

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