BC Doctor Develops National Guide for the Greening of Health Care

The healthcare sector is among the most polluting, contributing 5 per cent of Canada’s total greenhouse gas. A Kimberley-based physician, Dr. Ilona Hale, and a team of health care professionals have produced a new resource, specifically aimed at clinicians called ‘Planetary Health for Primary Care’. “It’s an online guide for healthcare providers meant to make…

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Innovative Approach to Medical Training

A visionary Canadian physician believes three new medical schools opening in Canada will flip the country’s medical training model on its head to focus more on family medicine. “It takes a community to raise a physician,” said Dr. Roger Strasser, interim dean of the new Simon Fraser University Medical School and founding dean of the Northern Ontario School of…

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Top Takeaways from BC’s Budget 2022

The province has released the 2022-23 budget, outlining the NDP’s spending priorities for B.C. Though the budget is largely business as usual, there are some key takeaways to focus on. 1. Deficits in the years ahead This year’s deficit is projected to be $483 million, a dramatic reduction from the projected $9 billion back in…

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How to Encourage More Family Doctors

A commentary by a family doctor in Saanich: Never, in my 20 years of practice in B.C., have I seen family medicine in crisis as it is now. Trust me, it is not a new issue. Dr. Jennifer Lush I am beginning to think I know how the dinosaurs felt, watching the comet hurtle towards…

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CDC Report on Rural Communities & Covid

While there are many distinct differences between the circumstances of rural Canadians and Americans, this overview from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention contains some useful information for rural British Columbians.   About 46 million Americans live in rural areas, which face distinctive challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Long-standing systemic health and social…

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How can rural community-engaged health services planning affect sustainable health care system changes?

A process description and qualitative analysis of data from the Rural Coordination Centre of British Columbia’s Rural Site Visits Project Abstract Objectives The objectives of the Rural Site Visit Project (SV Project) were to develop a successful model for engaging all 201 communities in rural British Columbia, Canada, build relationships and gather data about community health…

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BC Rural & First Nations Health & Wellness Summit

Add your voice to improve rural healthcare!   Collaboration can be a powerful tool for change. In January 2019, provincial healthcare partners met to explore how to work together to improve and transform rural healthcare in BC. Since that time, several innovations were developed to improve healthcare services in rural communities and First Nations. The…

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COVID-19 Here are some useful COVID-19 links for rural, remote, and First Nations British Columbians. Be sure to follow our Newsfeed as well.   BC Ministry of Health    Overall responsibility for ensuring that quality, appropriate, cost-effective and timely health services are available for all British Columbians. BC Centre for Disease Control    The BC Centre…

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