Kaslo Jazz Fest 2017 Rocks!

Kaslo Jazz Fest 2017, just ended, the biggest and best ever by all accounts. The Festival was completely sold out. For three days, Kaslo Bay looked more like the south of France than the Kootenays, as thousands enjoyed the hot weather, sandy beach, the cool waters of Kootenay Lake, and some astonishing musical performances. Hotels,…

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all that jazz… a conversation with Paul Hinrichs

  All those mountains, and all that jazz… For over 25 years, the tiny West Kootenay village of Kaslo has played host to one of the world’s most celebrated outdoor music festivals. USA Today has called the Kaslo Jazz Festival “one of the 10 best places in the world to enjoy outdoor music in the…

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Old Masset Turns Up the Heat!

Biomass now heats community buildings in Old Masset

Energy/heat in the village of Old Masset on Northern Haida Gwaii, as in many remote BC First Nations and rural BC communities, has always been hugely expensive. On Haida Gwai, hydro is provided by diesel generation, and other heating fuels are barged in 100 kilometres across Hecta Strait, not only making them expensive but also giving…

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Ants in your pants? Red Ants Pants founder Sarah Calhoun speaks out!

  Do you have ants in your pants? Sarah Calhoun does. Or rather Sarah has created a successful clothing business, foundation, and music festival, all under the catchy title of Red Ants Pants. Sarah has nearly two decades of leadership experience in both the non-profit and small business sectors, working in the outdoor education industry…

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Paul Muir on the arts & small rural communities

For many small remote rural communities, the key to renewal and revitalization may well lie in the pent-up creativity of local residents. Culture, even if it starts out small, as it did in tiny (population 120) Rosebud, Alberta, can become a powerful change agent. Paul Muir is the Education Director of Alberta’s Rosebud School of the Arts.…

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Small, Remote — and Successful!

Small can be beautiful. Remoteness and rugged surroundings are often cited as negatives in discussions regarding rural communities and regions. But there are cases where these apparent challenges are turned into positives. Mountain Trek, a boutique health & wellness destination in BC’s West Kootenay region, and Newfoundland’s Fogo Island Inn stand as highly successful examples…

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Community investment in Creston & district

As more and more economic power flows to major urban regions and large cities, small towns and rural regions find it increasing difficult to find the funds necessary to fuel economic growth. That’s certainly true of Creston and the surrounding region. Community investment in Creston & district may be the answer. Every year, rural British…

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Fogo Island

In a country full of tiny, remote communities, Newfoundland’s tiny Fogo Island has to rank among the smallest and hardest to get to. Devastated by the collapse of the cod fishery in the 1990s, Fogo today is an inspiring example of how rural communities can be brought back to life. In this video, native Fogo Islander Zita…

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