Housing Shortages and Rural Migration

When non-metropolitan communities do not have enough housing supply, or not enough appropriate housing, community and economic development faces challenges, and social and economic momentum can be lost. Attracting new residents, housing a larger workforce, and enabling seniors to comfortably age in place, all while maintaining a high quality of life for all residents, becomes…

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BC’s First Provincial Urban, Rural and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy

British Columbia’s First Provincial Urban, Rural and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy: Virtual Community Engagement Series In January 2022, The Aboriginal Housing Management Association (AHMA) released British Columbia’s first Provincial Urban-Rural and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy. To continue raising awareness and gathering support from communities across B.C. AHMA will be hosting various community engagement sessions in…

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Top Takeaways from BC’s Budget 2022

The province has released the 2022-23 budget, outlining the NDP’s spending priorities for B.C. Though the budget is largely business as usual, there are some key takeaways to focus on. 1. Deficits in the years ahead This year’s deficit is projected to be $483 million, a dramatic reduction from the projected $9 billion back in…

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Regulations Urged for Short-term Rentals

The Union of B.C. Municipalities (UBCM) has made 13 requests of the province to consider in order to establish a regulatory framework for the short-term accommodations industry, similar to those in place for ride-hailing and other regulated industries.  Read The Report Here

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State of the Basin Report — 2020

State of the Basin 2020

The State of the Basin initiative monitors and reports on indicators of environmental, economic, cultural, and social well-being in BC’s Columbia Basin-Boundary Region. The Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute (RDI) compiles the Snapshot report to provide a summary of current State of the Basin research. Click on the image below to access the 2020 report.…

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State of the North Report

The 2020 State of the North Economic Report captures the most recent data available on Northern B.C.’s economy. It is the only report of its kind that captures regional and sub-regional data on communities, industries and trends that are critical to Northern B.C. and presents it all in one package. To access the Report, click…

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How can rural community-engaged health services planning affect sustainable health care system changes?

Site Visits Project

How can rural community-engaged health services planning affect sustainable health care system changes?  That’s the question posed in a “pre-print” process description and qualitative analysis of data from the Rural Coordination Centre of British Columbia’s Rural Site Visits Project (SV Project), authored by C. Stuart Johnston, Rural Co-ordination Centre of BC (RCCBC), RCCBC’s Erika Belanger…

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An Investigation of BC Rural Citizen-Patient Priorities for Health Planning


The Rural Evidence Review (RER) project is a joint initiative between the Centre for Rural Health Research (Department of Family Practice, UBC), and the Rural Coordination Centre of BC. The project’s goal is to work with rural citizens/patients/communities to provide high quality and useful evidence for rural health services planning in BC. To access the…

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Policy Implications of Coronavirus Crisis for Rural Development

This OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development) report focuses on the implications of COVID-19 on rural development and the policy responses that OECD member countries are adopting. It first discusses the economic effects on rural regions followed by an identification of opportunities and associated challenges. The report then summarizes how governments are responding to…

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