Featured Report
A Post-Pandemic Policy Agenda for Rural and Smaller Canadian Communities
Many of us know someone who, at the height of the pandemic, picked up and moved from an urban centre to a smaller, more rural Canadian community. Though small and rural communities face unique challenges across this country, we know one thing: inclusive and sustainable growth principles are becoming foundational to economic decision-making across the…
Read MoreTerritory Acknowledgment: A Guide
Acknowledging traditional territory is, for many First Nations, a long-standing practice and a regular aspect of governance relationships and ceremony. In recent years, territory acknowledgments have become common across Canada as an act of respect and reconciliation at formal meetings, conferences, or public events. Fundamentally, a territory acknowledgment is a relational process, which means that…
Read MoreWhat is Rural Policy Today? A pan-Canadian scan of policies for rural spaces
Rural regions are at the forefront of change. As our great green places—with the vast majority of land and natural resources—they are central to climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts. Read the full report here: Rural-Policies-CRRF-2022 The rapid need to de-carbonize economies is leading to large new investments in renewable energy infrastructure, transforming rural landscapes…
Read MoreStudy finds Rural Connectivity Benefits People, Economy
The Kootenay Connectivity Benefits Study, released by BC Stats, finds high-speed internet connectivity expansions in rural, remote and Indigenous communities positively impacts both local and provincial economies in the short and long term. Read the Full Report Here: Kootenay Connectivity Report 2022 BC Stats conducted a study of the Kootenay Economic Region to examine the…
Read MoreTool Box of Ideas for Smaller Centres
Introducing: A Tool Box of Ideas for Smaller Centres Purpose This toolbox is intended to help communities that wish to attract and retain newcomers. Within its pages, you will find ideas and illustrations designed to stimulate discussion about the benefits of incorporating immigrants and refugees into your community’s overall population strategy. Resources and best practices…
Read MoreHousing Shortages and Rural Migration
When non-metropolitan communities do not have enough housing supply, or not enough appropriate housing, community and economic development faces challenges, and social and economic momentum can be lost. Attracting new residents, housing a larger workforce, and enabling seniors to comfortably age in place, all while maintaining a high quality of life for all residents, becomes…
Read MoreBC’s First Provincial Urban, Rural and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy
British Columbia’s First Provincial Urban, Rural and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy: Virtual Community Engagement Series In January 2022, The Aboriginal Housing Management Association (AHMA) released British Columbia’s first Provincial Urban-Rural and Northern Indigenous Housing Strategy. To continue raising awareness and gathering support from communities across B.C. AHMA will be hosting various community engagement sessions in…
Read MoreTop Takeaways from BC’s Budget 2022
The province has released the 2022-23 budget, outlining the NDP’s spending priorities for B.C. Though the budget is largely business as usual, there are some key takeaways to focus on. 1. Deficits in the years ahead This year’s deficit is projected to be $483 million, a dramatic reduction from the projected $9 billion back in…
Read MoreAnalysis of Affordable Housing Supply Created by Unilateral National Housing Strategy Programs
Improving the National Housing Strategy (NHS) is one of the 3 priority areas for 2021-22. The Council commissioned Blueprint ADE and the Wellesley Institute to conduct research that analyzes the National Housing Strategy and publish findings in a report. The report is titled “Analysis of Affordable Housing Supply Created by Unilateral National Housing Strategy Programs.…
Read MoreRegulations Urged for Short-term Rentals
The Union of B.C. Municipalities (UBCM) has made 13 requests of the province to consider in order to establish a regulatory framework for the short-term accommodations industry, similar to those in place for ride-hailing and other regulated industries. Read The Report Here
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