BC Rural Dividend grants over $10 million

BC Rural Dividend grants

On Friday, October 13, the BC Government announced over $10 million in new grants to rural communities through the BC Rural Dividend. Here’s the official press release:   The B.C. government is distributing $10.1 million in new grants to help rural communities stabilize their economies and create long-term local employment, Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural…

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Forest Fibres Key to Rural Revitalization?

Forest fibres an economic opportunity?

This recent CBC article examines the possibility of forest fibres emerging as a significant economic engine for rural BC communities.   Forest fibres — an abundant resource waiting to boost the economies of rural BC towns? As interest in LNG projects wanes, and with the future of the mighty Site C dam called into question, a group of rural…

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Garden Hill First Nation Creates a Farm in a Box!

Garden Hill First Nation assembled a team to create Meechim Farm

Food security is a significant issue for many remote First Nations across Canada — including Garden Hill First Nation, located in northern Manitoba. In the following blogpost from Aki Energy, a non-profit Aboriginal social enterprise that works with First Nations to start green businesses in their communities, creating local jobs and growing strong local economies,…

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Ktunaxa Nation: Ensuring the most vulnerable citizens can succeed

Ktunaxa Nation

For the Ktunaxa Nation, a key pillar of the community is supporting its most vulnerable citizens. It’s an effort that is changing lives for the better. Ktunaxa Nation has grown its Cranbrook-based social services from its Operation Street Angel program to include both a support house for youth transitioning out of foster care, and a…

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“Overtourism” Protests Spreading Throughout Europe

Rural BC communities seeking to reinvent their formerly resource-based economies, communities that happen to be located in beautiful areas — so-called “high amenity” places — face a unique challenge. In many cases these communities have turned to tourism as a means of revitalizing the local economic scene. The idea is straightforward enough: more tourists means…

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Millennials Make the Move to Rural Ontario?

Tony Scott is a Millennial, and the founder and president of Akira Studio, an established tech company based in London, Ontario that designs, develops, and hosts websites for over 450 companies across the globe. Akira employs web developers, software engineers, network analysts and content creators that work together to optimize the online presence and competitiveness…

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Help for BC Rural Small Businesses Hurt by Wildfires

Straight.com reports that hundreds of wildfires in B.C. this summer have not only wreaked havoc on evacuees, they’re also putting some businesses in jeopardy. In response to this, the BC Government Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, Doug Donaldson, has announced that a $1,500 emergency grant will be made available to…

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Wildfires Linked to Climate Change?

  Wildfires are sweeping B.C. Close to 900 have burned through 600,000 hectares so far this year, blanketing western North America with smoke. Fighting them has cost more than $230 million—and the season is far from over. It’s not just B.C. Thousands of people from B.C. to California have fled homes as fires rage. Greenland…

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Latest on the BC Wildfire Situation

According to Vancouver’s News 1130, British Columbia’s wildfire situation is expected to get worse before it gets better. There are currently 125 fires burning across the province, including a “monster fire” at Elephant Hill. Sixteen of the fires burning now started on Friday, bringing the total number since April 1st to 884. The cost of…

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Newcomer Engagement in Ontario Report

When newcomers and other community residents enjoy mutually beneficial relationships, rural communities are more likely to be healthy. The Rural Ontario Institute recently released a report, Newcomer Engagement and Social Capital in Rural Communities, that explores how rural communities are engaging newcomers in their civic life. Newcomer Engagement and Social Capital in Rural Communities examines…

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