Rural Healthcare in BC — where are we & where are we going?

Rural healthcare in BC

Rural healthcare — access to excellent medical care on a timely basis — is a challenging issue for many rural British Columbians. The BC Rural Centre invited Dr. David Snadden, Doctors of BC’s UBC Chair in Rural Health, to lead a conversation on issues and innovations on British Columbia’s rural healthcare front. From a BC…

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CODI — New Rural BC Healthcare App

From Telehealth to CODI   Dr. John Pawlovich, a family physician living in Abbotsford, BC, has a thriving practice in Takla Landing, a rural and remote aboriginal community located approximately 400 km north of Prince George. Like many physicians providing rural and remote healthcare, he flies or drives by 4X4 into Takla Landing once a month…

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Rural Healthcare Podcasts

Conversations with five leading BC healthcare specialists, each with something to say of importance for rural British Columbians, are presented in the following podcasts.   Dr. Shelley Ross, Co-Chair of BC’s GP Services Committee, discusses healthcare developments that will have an important impact on rural communities in this BC Rural Centre podcast. Her description of…

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CODI Assists Rural BC Physicians

CODI — which stands for Critical Outreach & Diagnostic Intervention — allows rural physicians to instantly reach out to specialists, who are able to provide support and guidance, instantly. This made-in-rural-BC iOS app is in the field across rural BC. If your local healthcare provider isn’t aware of CODI, be sure to share this video!…

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Dr. Shelley Ross — New Healthcare Developments in BC

Dr. Shelley Ross, Co-Chair of BC’s GP Services Committee, discusses healthcare developments that will have an important impact on rural communities in this BC Rural Centre podcast.     For more on rural health issues, see the BCRC Health page.        

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Health Education, Rural Needs — Dr. Christie Newton

Health education is important

Health education can play an important role in helping interest students in pursuing a career in some form of rural medicine Dr. Christie Newton is uniquely positioned to speak to this issue. Dr. Newton is an Association Professor and Director, Continuing Professional Development and Community Engagement, in UBC’s Faculty of Medicine’s Dept. of Family Practice.…

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Rural Health Initiatives in BC

Introduction   Providing adequate — let alone excellent — health care in rural and remote BC communities, regions, and First Nations presents a set of unique challenges, including vast distances, lack of transportation infrastructure, staffing difficulties, scattered populations, poor or no bandwidth, and a range of socio-economic conditions that impact on health and well-being. In…

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Leslie Carty Discusses RCCbc

Leslie Carty of the RCCbc

Leslie Carty, Executive Manager of the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc), discusses the organization, its mandate to improve rural health care in British Columbia, and some of its initiatives in this conversation, recorded at a RCCbc-sponsored rural health partners’ retreat in Vancouver, January 29, 2019.     For more on rural health, visit our…

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Dr. Ray Markham — a Conversation

Dr. Ray Markham

Dr. Ray Markham is a Valemount, BC-based doctor, and the Executive Director of the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc). The RCCbc is focused on improving rural health education in British Columbia, and generally working to advocate for rural health in the province. This conversation with Dr. Markham was recorded on January 29, 2019, in…

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A Conversation with Dr. Granger Avery

A conversation with Dr. Granger Avery

Dr. Granger Avery is one of Canada’s most distinguished rural health advocates. A past president of both the Canadian and BC medical associations, Dr. Granger is a clinical professor at the University of British Columbia, and serves as an associate director with the Rural Coordination Centre of BC. He resides in the small Vancouver Island…

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