Top Takeaways from BC’s Budget 2022
The province has released the 2022-23 budget, outlining the NDP’s spending priorities for B.C. Though the budget is largely business as usual, there are some key takeaways to focus on. 1. Deficits in the years ahead This year’s deficit is projected to be $483 million, a dramatic reduction from the projected $9 billion back in…
Read MoreHow to Encourage More Family Doctors
A commentary by a family doctor in Saanich: Never, in my 20 years of practice in B.C., have I seen family medicine in crisis as it is now. Trust me, it is not a new issue. Dr. Jennifer Lush I am beginning to think I know how the dinosaurs felt, watching the comet hurtle towards…
Read MoreMore Funding, Better Use of Indigenous Practices Could Prepare Communities for Future Crises
First Nations and Indigenous communities in Canada need more support from the federal government to cope with future disasters related to climate change, according to a new report on Canada’s disaster resilience. Although people living in these communities are more likely to experience climate-related disasters, experts say not enough is being done to help them plan…
Read MoreLocal Immigration: Assessing the Policy Capacity of Smaller Communities
Who should decide whether a smaller community is ready to welcome foreign-born residents? Who should participate in the design and implementation of a local immigration strategy? There has been an increasing policy interest in encouraging immigration settlement in smaller communities, as evidenced by the introduction of Rural and Northern Immigration pilots and soon-to-be Municipal Nominee…
Read MoreRegulations Urged for Short-term Rentals
The Union of B.C. Municipalities (UBCM) has made 13 requests of the province to consider in order to establish a regulatory framework for the short-term accommodations industry, similar to those in place for ride-hailing and other regulated industries. Read The Report Here
Read MoreThe State of Rural Canada Report 2021
The Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation recently released its annual State of Rural Canada report. The first edition of the State of Rural Canada described rural British Columbia (BC) as a dynamic and evolving landscape. This remains an apt description. Who and what are rural is not static. Read the latest report here.
Read MoreOkanagan Correctional Centre: Creating Jobs
Government Takes Action on Abbott/Chapman Report
The Government of BC has released its action plan in response to the government-commissioned, independent Abbott/Chapman report on the unprecedented 2017 wildfire and flood seasons in British Columbia. The plan outlines actions taken and underway, and identifies next steps to address the report’s 108 recommendations. It also considers recommendations from other recent reports, such as…
Read MoreB.C. Government Invites Rural Strategy Suggestions
If you’re concerned about the future of rural B.C.’s communities and First Nations, you’ll be interested in the following invitation from B.C. Government to share your ideas and suggestions. Note that the deadline for submissions is February 28. The B.C. Government is committed to developing a new, long-term, durable Rural Development Strategy that works for…
Read MoreBC’s Grizzly Trophy Hunt Ends, Government Announces
BC’s grizzly trophy hunt ends. In the following announcement, the BC Government announced an end to trophy grizzly hunting: Effective Nov. 30, 2017, the British Columbia government will end grizzly bear trophy hunting throughout the province and stop all hunting of grizzlies in the Great Bear Rainforest, Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural…
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