Healthcare in Rural BC Gets a Closer Look

Overview In 2017, the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues (JSC) tasked the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc) with visiting every Rural Subsidiary Agreement (RSA) community between 2017 and 2020. These visits will connect with rural practitioners and communities to hear about the context of rural practice and health care delivery (what innovations exist,…

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Rural Healthcare in BC — Where Are We & Where Are We Going?

Rural healthcare — access to excellent medical care on a timely basis — is a challenging issue for many rural British Columbians. The BC Rural Centre invited Dr. David Snadden, Doctors of BC’s UBC Chair in Rural Health, to lead a conversation on issues and innovations on British Columbia’s rural healthcare front. From a BC…

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Rural Healthcare in BC — where are we & where are we going?

Rural healthcare in BC

Rural healthcare — access to excellent medical care on a timely basis — is a challenging issue for many rural British Columbians. The BC Rural Centre invited Dr. David Snadden, Doctors of BC’s UBC Chair in Rural Health, to lead a conversation on issues and innovations on British Columbia’s rural healthcare front. From a BC…

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CODI — New Rural BC Healthcare App

From Telehealth to CODI   Dr. John Pawlovich, a family physician living in Abbotsford, BC, has a thriving practice in Takla Landing, a rural and remote aboriginal community located approximately 400 km north of Prince George. Like many physicians providing rural and remote healthcare, he flies or drives by 4X4 into Takla Landing once a month…

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Rural Healthcare Podcasts

Conversations with five leading BC healthcare specialists, each with something to say of importance for rural British Columbians, are presented in the following podcasts.   Dr. Shelley Ross, Co-Chair of BC’s GP Services Committee, discusses healthcare developments that will have an important impact on rural communities in this BC Rural Centre podcast. Her description of…

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Dr. Shelley Ross — New Healthcare Developments in BC

Dr. Shelley Ross, Co-Chair of BC’s GP Services Committee, discusses healthcare developments that will have an important impact on rural communities in this BC Rural Centre podcast.     For more on rural health issues, see the BCRC Health page.        

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Healthcare a Hot Topic In This Kootenay Community

Healthcare — access to adequate health services — is an ongoing problem across rural BC. The challenge for one community to recruit new physicians could have a drastic effect on the emergency room hours for residents. The village of New Denver in southeastern B.C., along the shore of Slocan Lake, was going to change its…

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Rural Resident Retention and Attraction Guidebook

Introduction to Rural Resident Retention and Attraction What is Resident Retention and Attraction? Resident retention and attraction (RRA) initiatives position communities to address issues associated with population size (e.g., low or declining number of residents) or population composition (e.g., aging population) — whether that be a shortage of skilled workers, low school enrolment, or a…

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Real-Time Virtual Support

Relational Work Is the Work: Virtual Healthcare Transformation for Rural, Remote, and First Nations Communities in British Columbia The healthcare crisis across unceded First Nations territories in rural, remote, and Indigenous communities in British Columbia (BC) is marked by persistent barriers to accessing care and support close to home. This commentary describes an exceptional story…

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