Posts Tagged ‘innovation’
Shifting Into (Electric) Gear
Steve Elder was born in New Zealand and lived there until he moved to sunny Los Angeles in the 1970s, eventually finding his way north to greater Vancouver, which he now calls home. However, summers spent vacationing at Christina Lake with his family is something that always brings back good memories for Steve. Perhaps that…
Read MoreRural Connectivity an Issue for Every Canadian
Cybera is an Alberta not-for-profit, technical agency that helps the province advance its IT frontiers. It operates through a strategic investment by its members and the Ministry of Alberta Economic Development and Trade. The following report by Meagan Hampel will be of interest for rural innovation advocates across the country. As part of our core mandate, Cybera…
Read MoreTech Jobs to Rural Places
Tech jobs — a path toward rural renewal? Nick Roseth explores this question in the following thoughtful TED talk.
Read MoreCanal Flats Is Electric!
Canal Flats fell on hard times. When our communities’ circumstances change, we need to find new ways to prosper. Canal Flats was a lumber town; it’s primary employer was a sawmill. When that mill closed in November of 2015 it threw 75 people out of work and decimated the town’s economy. Many people, grown children,…
Read MoreInnovation Can Transform Small Towns!
There are only two approaches to dealing with the often-wrenching changes sweeping over small towns these days — stick with the ol’ “tried & true,” and be overwhelmed by the tsunami of change that seems the hallmark of the 21st century. Or roll up the digital sleeves, start thinking way outside the 20th century box,…
Read MoreInnovation & Technology Make a Big Difference in Rural BC
Innovation in rural BC — its importance, and how it can be deployed to help with everything from boosting local economies to coping with a changing climate — is an enormously important issue. We highlight this in three wide-ranging interviews with BC rural tech leaders — Salmon Arm’s Lana Fitt, Revelstoke’s Jean-Marc La Flamme, and Trail’s…
Read MoreSmall Stores a Big Idea?
This article by the New York Times‘ Kim Severson showcases some intriguing ways innovative entrepreneurs are ensuring folks in small towns and urban neighbourhoods have access to healthy food. The Freshest Ideas Are in Small Grocery Stores As big supermarkets struggle, a new crop of local groceries are innovating to serve niche audiences and advance…
Read MoreTale of Three Cities — Rural BC Tech-Based Innovation

Innovation is about staying relevant. We are in a time of unprecedented change. As a result, what may have helped a community or organization be successful in the past could potentially be the cause of their failure in the future. Communities and companies need to adapt and evolve to meet the ever changing needs of…
Read MoreDigital Nomads Are Redefining Work in the Kootenays
A year ago, the Revelstoke Mountaineer noted that the workplace is changing beyond recognition, thanks to new technologies like web collaboration tools, smartphones, and next generation internet connectivity, freeing folks to work from wherever they want. We have entered the Age of Digital Nomads. Henning Schipper is amongst the new class of digital nomads freed…
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