Rural Resident Retention and Attraction Guidebook

Introduction to Rural Resident Retention and Attraction What is Resident Retention and Attraction? Resident retention and attraction (RRA) initiatives position communities to address issues associated with population size (e.g., low or declining number of residents) or population composition (e.g., aging population) — whether that be a shortage of skilled workers, low school enrolment, or a…

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Historic investment of $83 million in water storage for farmers and ranchers

VICTORIA, B.C. – February 22, 2024: Today, British Columbia’s Finance Minister, the Honourable Katrine Conroy, unveiled the government’s budget for the 2024 fiscal year which included a historic investment of $83 million in water storage for B.C. farmers and ranchers. Recent climate events have stressed supplies of safe, reliable water in multiple regions of the…

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Agritech in BC receives $2 million investment

13 new projects will address challenges that affect food security in BC By: Eden Chipperfield, News Writer Agricultural innovation is taking root in British Columbia as 13 new projects to address food production challenges were announced at the Pacific Agriculture Show on January 26. Agritech — shorthand for agriculture technology — is the industry focus on innovations and advancements to promote…

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Rural Voice Missing from Emergency Task Force

An expert task force on emergencies that will weigh in on revising the province’s emergency legislation lacks representation from the Cariboo Region and rural communities as a whole, say critics. Comprised of 14 experts appointed by the provincial government, the purpose of the panel is to provide recommendations to help B.C. be better prepared for…

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StrongerBC for everyone – Investing in Rural Communities

The B.C. government has released StrongerBC: Good Lives in Strong Communities, a new vision that outlines investments to help build a brighter future for rural communities and the people who call them home. “If you’re looking for people to help cut through the noise and get a job done, my bet will always be on…

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Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program (REDIP)

Program Details The Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program (REDIP) is a new grant launched by the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation (JEDI). The Government of B.C. is investing up to $33 million this year to create the Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program, which will support projects that promote the following: Economic diversification…

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BC Doctor Develops National Guide for the Greening of Health Care

The healthcare sector is among the most polluting, contributing 5 per cent of Canada’s total greenhouse gas. A Kimberley-based physician, Dr. Ilona Hale, and a team of health care professionals have produced a new resource, specifically aimed at clinicians called ‘Planetary Health for Primary Care’. “It’s an online guide for healthcare providers meant to make…

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Study finds Rural Connectivity Benefits People, Economy

The Kootenay Connectivity Benefits Study, released by BC Stats, finds high-speed internet connectivity expansions in rural, remote and Indigenous communities positively impacts both local and provincial economies in the short and long term. Read the Full Report Here: Kootenay Connectivity Report 2022 BC Stats conducted a study of the Kootenay Economic Region to examine the…

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Top Takeaways from BC’s Budget 2022

The province has released the 2022-23 budget, outlining the NDP’s spending priorities for B.C. Though the budget is largely business as usual, there are some key takeaways to focus on. 1. Deficits in the years ahead This year’s deficit is projected to be $483 million, a dramatic reduction from the projected $9 billion back in…

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A Memorandum of Understanding on Local Government Financial Resiliency

The Province and Union of BC Municipalities will work together to review the local government finance system in B.C. to ensure that municipal governments and regional districts remain resilient in the face of economic changes. Municipal Affairs Minister Josie Osborne, Finance Minister Selina Robinson, and UBCM President Laurey-Anne Roodenburg have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Local…

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