House Sales Are Booming in Rural BC

House Sales Are Booming in Rural BC — and Renters Are Getting Slammed A July 2021 article by Alex Cosh in “” discusses how increasing house prices in many smaller rural communities are causing problems for renters and long-time residents. Read the article here.

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Fairy Creek blockades must go, B.C. Supreme Court rules

After eight months of camping out to protect old-growth forests from logging, Fairy Creek activists have been told their blockades must go. In its decision Thursday morning, the B.C. Supreme Court stated logging activities by Teal Jones Group are completely legal, and by denying access to cutblocks, activists are in fact the ones engaging in…

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BC Government Going Foward With Site C

Terminating project would cost at least $10.2B, B.C. government says The Site C dam on the Peace River in northeastern B.C. is estimated to cost about $16 billion, nearly double the originally approved budget of $8.8 billion in 2014. (Submitted by Amnesty International) British Columbia is forging ahead with the Site C dam — the largest public…

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Grants for BC Small Businesses — a conversation with Minister Ravi Kahlon

Ravi Kahlon

The Hon. Ravi Kahlon, British Columbia’s Minister of Jobs, Economic Recovery, and Innovation, chatted with BC Rural Centre Communications Director Randy Morse recently. The conversation focused on Covid-19, its impact on small and medium-sized businesses, and steps the BC Government is taking to help those most affected, cope. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant…

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New Support Programs for Small & Medium-Sized Businesses

BC business recovery grant

Help BC small and medium sized businesses bounce back and build for the future with Government of BC non-repayable grants of up to $30,000 for eligible businesses, and up to $45,000 for eligible tourism businesses. Spread the word and apply at   For more detail information, click here.    

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BC Rural Centre’s Last Year in Review

2020 year in review

2020 was a certainly a memorable year. The COVID-19 pandemic drastically altered our lives and created significant social and economic challenges for many. Unfortunately, it also resulted in personal loss and grief for many BC families. To those families, our deepest sympathies for your loss. Despite the impact of COVID, 2020 was a busy year…

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Local brewers craft for community

Local brewers support rural communities

You are sitting at your favourite bar in town watching the bartender pour that familiar winter ale that always signals the beginning of ski season. As you wait for them to slide that frosty mug of beer down your direction, you probably aren’t thinking about hop farmers, or the ways the brewery is trying to…

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Community Paramedicine in rural BC, what it is & why it happened — interviews with Nancy Kotani & Amy Poll

community paramedics

BC’s Community Paramedicine Program, the first of its kind in Canada, provides rural residents with access to information and care previously lacking in many small, remote communities. Nancy Kotani, former Chief Transformation Officer for British Columbia Emergency Health Services, led the development and implementation of BC’s Community Paramedic project, the first province-wide initiative of its…

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