Mobilizing Rural Investment Capital

The Need for Rural Investment Capital in BC Access to investment capital is crucial to business and economic development anywhere – but is especially important in rural areas. However, research completed by SIBAC and others has noted that it is often difficult to access business financing – and specifically patient equity investment financing – in…

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International Cooperation Comes to Kamloops!

The BC Council for International Cooperation (BCCIC) warmly has extended an invitation to attend the BC 2030 Meeting on November 21st in Kamloops. The meeting will discuss how the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) link to the work going on in communities across BC, and the opportunities that the SDGs present for political engagement.  Over the past year, BCCIC has held roundtable discussions…

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First Nations & the Web — a Conversation with Jeff Ward

BC Rural Centre
BC Rural Centre
First Nations & the Web — a Conversation with Jeff Ward

Canada’s oldest cultures are embracing the 21st century! Victoria-based Jeff Ward, the founder of Aboriginally owned and operated web developer Animikii, named Aboriginal Business of The Year by the BC Achievement Foundation in 2010, is a prime example. A web development pioneer, Jeff and his colleagues are at the cutting edge of applying new & emerging digital tools…

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Rural Broadband — Kaslo Style

Rural Broadband — Kaslo Style. If rural BC is to prosper in the 21st century, access to affordable, reliable high-speed Internet is essential. Kaslo InfoNet (KiN)’s Don Scarlett and Tim Ryan talk about fibre optic broadband  in Kaslo & the North Kootenay Lake region — how a small-town, community-controlled non-profit has managed to bring big city…

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