BC’s Wildfire Situation
We are re-posting this article from the BC Government on the province’s current wildfire situation.
The latest information on the current wildfire situation in British Columbia, including Wildfires of Note.
Wildfires of Note
“Wildfires of Note” are wildfires that are particularly visible or pose a threat to public safety. You can find up-to-date information on these fires here.
RSS Alerts
Get notified when new information on a Wildfire of Note becomes available. Subscribe to the wildfire news RSS feed.
All Current Wildfires
The links below list all current wildfires (over 0.01 hectares) in British Columbia, including wildfires of note. ‘All wildfires’ includes all wildfires that have occurred in a particular fire centre this year, while ‘Active wildfires’ lists only those fires currently being actioned, i.e. those under initial attack, under observation, patrolled, scanned or in mop-up stage.
Provincial overview
All wildfires / Active wildfires only
Cariboo Fire Centre
All wildfires / Active wildfires only
Coastal Fire Centre
All wildfires / Active wildfires only
Kamloops Fire Centre
All wildfires / Active wildfires only
Northwest Fire Centre
All wildfires / Active wildfires only
Prince George Fire Centre
All wildfires / Active wildfires only
Southeast Fire Centre
All wildfires / Active wildfires only
Interactive Map
All current year wildfires and active wildfires only
(Please allow approximately 25 and 10 seconds, respectively for the map to load)
Wildfire Information by Region
A summary of the fire bans and restrictions, wildfires of note, fire statistics and news releases for a particular region can be viewed by following the links below.
Cariboo Fire Centre
Coastal Fire Centre
Kamloops Fire Centre
Northwest Fire Centre
Prince George Fire Centre
Southeast Fire Centre
Related Links
Wildfire Statistics