We Want to Hear From You!
A major part of our mandate here at the BC Rural Centre is to provide timely information and tools that help rural & remote residents, communities, and First Nations deal with some of the most common issues and challenges they face. We also believe it’s important to share rural success stories.
As we begin a new year, we ‘d like to hear from you!
What are some of the rural issues and topics you’d like to see us address in the coming year? Are you aware of a project or initiative you feel other rural stakeholders should know about? Let us know!
Please send us your suggestions for articles, reports, videos, interviews, and/or webinar ideas you’d like to see us profile or organize to info@bcruralcentre.org, or give our Communications Director, Randy Morsea call (250-353-3275).
We’ll do our best to cover as many of your ideas as possible.