Rural Resident Retention and Attraction Guidebook

Introduction to Rural Resident Retention and Attraction What is Resident Retention and Attraction? Resident retention and attraction (RRA) initiatives position communities to address issues associated with population size (e.g., low or declining number of residents) or population composition (e.g., aging population) — whether that be a shortage of skilled workers, low school enrolment, or a…

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Historic investment of $83 million in water storage for farmers and ranchers

VICTORIA, B.C. – February 22, 2024: Today, British Columbia’s Finance Minister, the Honourable Katrine Conroy, unveiled the government’s budget for the 2024 fiscal year which included a historic investment of $83 million in water storage for B.C. farmers and ranchers. Recent climate events have stressed supplies of safe, reliable water in multiple regions of the…

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StrongerBC for everyone – Investing in Rural Communities

The B.C. government has released StrongerBC: Good Lives in Strong Communities, a new vision that outlines investments to help build a brighter future for rural communities and the people who call them home. “If you’re looking for people to help cut through the noise and get a job done, my bet will always be on…

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Drug Use Study Conducted in qathet Region

A study of people who use drugs conducted in the qathet region found a variety of negative consequences, likening the situation for drug users to living in a goldfish bowl. Dr. Geoff Bardwell, the study’s lead, who is affiliated with BC Centre on Substance Use, and is also an assistant professor in the school of…

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How to Encourage More Family Doctors

A commentary by a family doctor in Saanich: Never, in my 20 years of practice in B.C., have I seen family medicine in crisis as it is now. Trust me, it is not a new issue. Dr. Jennifer Lush I am beginning to think I know how the dinosaurs felt, watching the comet hurtle towards…

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BC Government Going Foward With Site C

Terminating project would cost at least $10.2B, B.C. government says The Site C dam on the Peace River in northeastern B.C. is estimated to cost about $16 billion, nearly double the originally approved budget of $8.8 billion in 2014. (Submitted by Amnesty International) British Columbia is forging ahead with the Site C dam — the largest public…

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Grants for BC Small Businesses — a conversation with Minister Ravi Kahlon

Ravi Kahlon

The Hon. Ravi Kahlon, British Columbia’s Minister of Jobs, Economic Recovery, and Innovation, chatted with BC Rural Centre Communications Director Randy Morse recently. The conversation focused on Covid-19, its impact on small and medium-sized businesses, and steps the BC Government is taking to help those most affected, cope. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant…

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New Support Programs for Small & Medium-Sized Businesses

BC business recovery grant

Help BC small and medium sized businesses bounce back and build for the future with Government of BC non-repayable grants of up to $30,000 for eligible businesses, and up to $45,000 for eligible tourism businesses. Spread the word and apply at   For more detail information, click here.    

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B.C. Premier Says Wood To Be Used In Two Provincial Megaprojects

B.C. premier John Horgan

B.C.Premier John Horgan announced the provincial government is moving to help revive the provincial forest industry by requiring the use of engineered wood on the new St. Paul’s Hospital and the upgrade to the Royal B.C. Museum, in a speech at the Council of Forest Industries convention in Vancouver on April 5th, as covered in this…

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