Wildfire Risk Reduction and Enhanced Fibre Utilization Project Funding

FESBC Welcomes Applications for Wildfire Risk Reduction and Enhanced Fibre Utilization Project Funding Kamloops, B.C. – The Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) continues to accept applications to fund forest enhancement projects, year-round. In the Provincial Government’s Budget 2024, FESBC was entrusted with $60 million in funding; $20 million to be allocated each year over…

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20 Years of Fallout in the Forestry Sector

More than 20 years ago, a tiny insect changed B.C.’s forestry future. The fallout is still happening Job losses being seen across the province have been predicted for more than a decade, industry leaders say No one is surprised by the news of Canfor shutting down one of its pulp mills in Prince George. Not…

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Increased Opportunities for Indigenous People in Forest Sector

Indigenous people looking to work in B.C.’s forest sector will have more opportunities to learn, train and develop in-demand skills through two new provincial grants. Supported by the StrongerBC Economic Plan, the Province is providing funding to the First Nations Forestry Council (FNFC) for the Indigenous Forestry Scholarship Program (IFSP) and an online forestry careers-matching tool…

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Top Takeaways from BC’s Budget 2022

The province has released the 2022-23 budget, outlining the NDP’s spending priorities for B.C. Though the budget is largely business as usual, there are some key takeaways to focus on. 1. Deficits in the years ahead This year’s deficit is projected to be $483 million, a dramatic reduction from the projected $9 billion back in…

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Fairy Creek blockades must go, B.C. Supreme Court rules

After eight months of camping out to protect old-growth forests from logging, Fairy Creek activists have been told their blockades must go. In its decision Thursday morning, the B.C. Supreme Court stated logging activities by Teal Jones Group are completely legal, and by denying access to cutblocks, activists are in fact the ones engaging in…

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The Forest Sector & Rural Communities

BC Rural Centre Executive Director Gordon Borgstrom and BC Community Forest Association Executive Director Jennifer Gunter discuss trends, challenges, and opportunities of importance to forestry-dependent rural BC communities and First Nations in this presentation.     For more on forestry issues, visit our Forestry page.         

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Common Interests, Common Purpose

Splatsin First Nation councillor George William and Lumby mayor Kevin Acton discuss how their respective communities came together to create the Monashee Community Forest — and in the process began to build a greater awareness of the similarities between the First Nation and village, and explore further opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation and collaboration.  

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