New Denver/Silverton Report Summary Released
New Denver/Silverton were recently the unsuspecting hosts for a contingent of “secret visitors” from Kaslo, who spent an October day checking out everything from the highway entrances to the two villages, to their take on the local economy.
The project, called First Impressions, was carried out under the auspices of the BC Rural Centre with the cooperation of the Kaslo & Area and Slocan District chambers of commerce.
After sifting through over 300 pages of comments and a public meeting held on October 15 at Silverton’s Memorial Hall, the BC Rural Centre has published a brief summary. Residents of New Denver and Silverton concerned about their communities’ futures will find it both a quick and thought-provoking read.
The Rural Centre has created a First Impressions New Denver Silverton Facebook page, as well as a Facebook Group, for anyone interested in discussing potential actions stimulated by this initiative.
Questions? Visit our contact us, or send us an email, at info@www.bcruralcentre.org.