Escape the City Winners Announced!
It’s like a law of physics — you know, for every action an equal reaction.
As our major centres grow ever larger and more congested, attracting young people from rural areas with the promise of jobs and, well, glitter and glamour, an increasing number of youngish city folk are starting to look longingly at BC’s rural towns as an alluring alternative to sky-high housing costs, endless gridlock, and all the stress, fear & loathing that are often part of the big city bargain.
When we launched the Escape the City contest, aiming it especially at young residents of Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary, and Edmonton, we weren’t sure what the response would be. How many people out there were seriously interested in jumping out of the urban rate race and checking out the lovely West Kootenay village of Kaslo as a potential new home?
Certainly the media thought we were onto something, judging from all the articles and radio interviews .
Turns out so, too, did the hundreds of people who entered the contest, all vying for an opportunity to be immersed in Kaslo’s unique culture over the upcoming Canada Day long weekend.
“We were overwhelmed by the response,” says BC Rural Centre Communications Director, Randy Morse. “We knew, at least anecdotally, there were city folks anxious to explore a saner, more fulfilling lifestyle in a small town like Kaslo. But we had no idea just how many there apparently are! Most of our entrants were very clear — they long to escape the city!”
Contest winners were selected with the help of an advisory committee, a group of locals that included Kaslo’s mayor, the president of the local Chamber of Commerce, and a young mom. Their picks were unanimous.
“Our finalists were all fantastic people, full of enthusiasm and anxious to come check out Kaslo,” continued Morse. “In the end, an amazing couple from Calgary, and a fantastic young family from Victoria won the day. Everyone on the committee agreed they would fit in beautifully in Kaslo, and with their interests, talents, and positive attitudes, would make a significant contribution to the town were they to decide to move there.
“Our Escape the City winners — in fact most of our hundreds of entrants — bely the notion that our brightest and best are only found, can only prosper, and want to stay in our big cities,” Morse added. “It’s going to be fascinating to see how these folks react to three-and-a-half intensive days in a town whose total population is likely less than that of the Calgary and Victoria neighbourhoods they currently live in. It’s definitely going to be fun.
“Beyond that, we hope this contest serves to shine a light on the many strengths and virtues of small town life in rural BC. We’re already being contacted by other municipalities, wondering if we can help them do something similar,” he concluded.
The Winners
Jean-Michel & Rochelle Longval, Calgary

Jean-Michel and Rochelle Longval, with their canine pal
“Kaslo is calling and I must go”
Outdoor enthusiasts with a passion for sustainable living, cultivating community, and thriving in an area surrounded by nature. Jean-Michel and Rochelle started their journey 10 years ago together in Calgary, Alberta. Both scientists, they’re fascinated by the study of the earth, environment, and atmospheric processes. Together they have a variety of skillsets ranging from kayak guiding, interpretive guided hikes, fossil hunting, backcountry skiing, woodworking, and creating music — as well as home brewing, baking, and growing their own food. They’re thrilled at the prospect of “escaping the city,” and are seeking out a rural community for the next chapter of their lives. They look forward to pursuing local opportunities to be involved in a town filled with a strong sense of community, a place that offers a healthy lifestyle. They were drawn to Kaslo for the pristine environment, friendly people, and vibrant culture. In particular, they’re excited to give back to the community, inspire future generations, and share their experiences in the Kootenays with others who have not yet made their escape from the urban rat race!
The Stober Family, Victoria

Marcus & Heather Stober-English, with their daughters
Marcus, Heather, their daughters Cora (5) and Penelope (2) — and their furry friend, Sadie — have lived in Victoria since they left their hometowns to go to university. Heather grew up in Prince George and came to Victoria in 2001 to study environmental studies and biology at the University of Victoria. Marcus grew up all over small town B.C., but spent most of his childhood in Invermere. He came to Victoria in 2000 to study psychology, also at U Vic. After graduation, they started careers with the provincial government, got married, and started a family in Victoria. However, they’ve always dreamed of packing up their two daughters and their dog and heading back to the Kootenays. While their careers are currently tied to Victoria, they are looking forward to getting to know more about small town life in the mountains. In their spare time, Heather and Marcus enjoy camping, painting, playing music, growing food, and learning to build furniture, while their daughters like to get into as much mischief as possible.
For contest background, click here.
To view the press release announcing our winners, click here.
For more information on the Escape the City contest, or on the work of the BC Rural Centre generally, contact Randy Morse at (250) 353-3016, or via email at randy@bcruralcentre.org.