Affordable Rural Housing & Community Land Trusts

  Affordable rural housing is an issue in many small, remote communities. Community Land Trusts can be an effective approach to tackling this challenge, providing affordable, appropriate housing for rural residents unable to crack the commercial housing market. Brenda Torpy, CEO of the Champlain (Vermont) Housing Trust, discusses her approach to stewarding land for the…

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Province Partners with CBT for New Affordable Housing

People struggling to find an affordable place to live in the Columbia Basin region will have access to new rental housing, thanks to a partnership announced between the BC government and Columbia Basin Trust (CBT), part of the government’s larger, province-wide goal of creating  114,000 new units of affordable market rental, non-profit, co-op, supported social…

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Some Canadian Towns Give Away Land to Attract New Residents

Large parts of Canada were settled thanks to government policies of giving out free land to anyone willing to show up and farm it. And although the federal government largely stopped giving out Crown land in the 1930s, some small towns are continuing the tradition by giving their land away for free. Morgan Lowrie of the…

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