By Their Own Hands — St. Andrews, Nova Scotia
Building on the legacy of pioneering Scottish and, later, Dutch immigrants, St. Andrews, Nova Scotia, a rural agricultural community, has been able to muster active and enthusiastic volunteers for a series of ambitious community initiatives and has maintained a thriving community into the 21st century.
This 22 minute video explores some of the reasons why this has been possible. At its base is a set of values that puts a premium on self-sufficiency, community spirit, and care for others.
By pooling resources, ideas, and talents, St. Andrews has been able to build a variety of new infrastructure and community services.
Success has not only motivated community members to continue with new projects, it has inspired other communities in the region to follow suit.
For more information on asset-based community development, see these addresses by Peter Kenyon, founder of Australia’s Bank of I.D.E.A.S., and Dan Ohler of Sangudo, Alberta’s Opportunity Development Co-op.