Peter Kenyon Coming to BC!
The BC Rural Centre is very pleased to be bringing Peter Kenyon back to BC, to deliver a series of asset based community development (ABCD) workshops in multiple towns across BC, starting May 30th.
The workshops will be led by Peter Kenyon, the renowned Director of the Bank of I.D.E.A.S. (Initiatives for the Development of Enterprising Action and Strategies), based in Kalamunda, Western Australia. Over the last three decades Peter has worked with over 1,600 communities throughout Australia, New Zealand, North America, Africa and the Middle East, seeking to facilitate fresh and creative ways that stimulate community and economic renewal. A highly entertaining and inspirational speaker, Peter argues one cannot develop communities from the top down or from the outside in. He created the Bank of I.D.E.A.S. in 1991 to promote such a paradigm shift and assist with the necessary facilitation, ideas and skills. Peter’s consulting project work has resulted in assignments in 59 countries and all states of Australia.
These workshops are designed for community enthusiasts, community builders and civic leaders who want to discover more about ABCD philosophies and methodologies, their potential for and application to their community, town or city. Above all, it is a great opportunity to learn how to excite and mobilize local residents to map, connect, and celebrate their local assets and discover what they truly care about.
Workshop Program
Through exciting stories, exercises and lots of humour, workshops will focus on:
— An in depth understanding of the philosophy, value and practice of ABCD
— Shifting the development mindset from needs and deficiencies to assets and capacities
— An introduction to the processes of asset mapping and hosting conversations
— An awareness of ABCD tools and resources
— Opportunities to reflect on the application of the ABCD approach within workshop participant communities
Workshop Dates & Locations
VICTORIA, Wednesday May 30th, 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM, Coast Hotel Harbourside
PRINCE GEORGE, Thursday May 31st, 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM, Sandman Signature Hotel
KAMLOOPS, Friday June 1st, 9 AM – 4 PM, Sandman Signature Hotel
KELOWNA, Monday June 4th, 9 AM – 4 PM, Sheraton 4 Points Kelowna Airport Hotel
CRANBROOK, Wednesday June 6th, 9 AM – 4 PM, St Eugene Resort
NELSON, Thursday June 7th, 9 AM – 4 PM, Hume Hotel
GRAND FORKS, Friday June 8th, 9 AM – 4 PM, (location to be determined)
To register please go to https://www.civicinfo.bc.ca/event/2018/BCRural-Workshop
Conference Registration Fee is $299 plus GST and includes lunch and refreshments.
For a downloadable PDF of this information, please click here.
For more information on asset-based community development, see Comac Russell Explains SAsset-Based Community Development; The ABCD Toolkit, by Dan Duncan; and By Their Own Hands — St. Andrews, Nova Scotia.