Strategic Planning for Economic Development
Using the Strategic Planning Toolkit as a foundation, we’ll explore in-depth a handful of stages in the strategic planning process.
You’ll hear from your peers in B.C. communities who have used the Strategic Planning Toolkit in different ways: Gold River’s community consultation process; 100 Mile House’s engagement with the municipal council; and the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine’s process of turning strategic ideas into action plans.
Participants will be encouraged to think about their own economic development strategy process and share their experiences of what has worked (and what hasn’t).
Speakers: Kathy Lachman and Marc von der Gonna (Regional Economic Operations Branch, FLNRORD), Geoff Millar (consultant, Gold River), Joanne Doddridge (100 Mile House), Deklan Corstanje (Regional District, Kitimat-Stikine).
Originally broadcast: December 4, 2018