Peter Kenyon to BC?
Peter Kenyon, Australian-based founder of the Bank of I.D.E.A.S and renowned rural development leader, has made a lasting impression on scores of rural BC stakeholders over the past couple of years.
BC Rural Centre Executive Director Gordon Borgstrom has announced Kenyon may be back in our neck of the woods soon.
“It looks like Peter Kenyon — one of the BC Rural Centre’s favourite associates — may be back on the North America continent from mid-March to mid-April 2019,” said Borgstrom. “As many of you will already know, Peter is a leading global expert in Asset Based Community Driven development. Peter was the keynote speaker at our Keeping it Rural Conference in 2017 and did a series of ACBD workshops for the BC Rural Centre in 2018.”
If your organization would be interested in having Peter give a presentation or workshop in your community, please contact Gordon at Gordon@bcruralcentre.org and we will see if we can organize something!
Here is Peter’s keynote from Keeping It Rural 2017.