Land Leases & Affordable Housing — an Animated Tale!
“In conclusion, middle-income housing affordability in Canada has become a profound social and economic crisis worthy of serious and concentrated public policy attention.”
— Canada’s Middle-Income Housing Affordability Crisis, Frontier Centre for Public Policy, June 2016
When it comes to tackling the need for affordable housing, the current focus for most government and non-profit housing organizations is on providing subsidized rental housing for the homeless and low income households. While this prioritization of the most-at-need is certainly understandable, several housing needs studies have also identified that many moderate income households ($42,000 to $60,000/year) are priced out of homeownership in their communities.
For example, a recent report of the Frontier Centre for Public Policy noted that house prices across Canada have increased at an average rate of 2.1 times that of household incomes between 2000 and 2015.
The following BC Rural Centre animated video describes how a land lease & shared equity approach offers the possibility of addressing this ongoing housing challenge.
For more on affordable rural housing, visit our Housing & CLTs page!