Supporting Rural and Remote Economies: What Canada Must Do Now

Rural, remote, and northern regions are important and should be supported, not just because of their economic contributions (they contribute to over a quarter of Canada’s GDP) but because people in all parts of Canada should have similar levels of well-being. This is fundamental to our nation’s territorial cohesion. Accordingly, there is a lot of…

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Historic investment of $83 million in water storage for farmers and ranchers

VICTORIA, B.C. – February 22, 2024: Today, British Columbia’s Finance Minister, the Honourable Katrine Conroy, unveiled the government’s budget for the 2024 fiscal year which included a historic investment of $83 million in water storage for B.C. farmers and ranchers. Recent climate events have stressed supplies of safe, reliable water in multiple regions of the…

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The Clean Economy – Preventing Plastic Waste and Pollution

The Province continues to take action to support the clean economy by preventing plastic waste and pollution. People will not receive items like cutlery and condiments unless they need them and can expect to see options that support a healthier environment and cleaner economy. “We want to ensure people have the best options available to effectively…

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StrongerBC for everyone – Investing in Rural Communities

The B.C. government has released StrongerBC: Good Lives in Strong Communities, a new vision that outlines investments to help build a brighter future for rural communities and the people who call them home. “If you’re looking for people to help cut through the noise and get a job done, my bet will always be on…

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New and Improved Public Spaces and Tourism Experiences

The Government of Canada is making investments across British Columbia to refresh community spaces, attract new visitors, and stimulate local economies Safe and inclusive public spaces and dynamic tourism attractions are key to vibrant communities. They bring together people of all ages and abilities, in turn supporting businesses and boosting economic vitality. Throughout the East…

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Top Takeaways from BC’s Budget 2022

The province has released the 2022-23 budget, outlining the NDP’s spending priorities for B.C. Though the budget is largely business as usual, there are some key takeaways to focus on. 1. Deficits in the years ahead This year’s deficit is projected to be $483 million, a dramatic reduction from the projected $9 billion back in…

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How to Encourage More Family Doctors

A commentary by a family doctor in Saanich: Never, in my 20 years of practice in B.C., have I seen family medicine in crisis as it is now. Trust me, it is not a new issue. Dr. Jennifer Lush I am beginning to think I know how the dinosaurs felt, watching the comet hurtle towards…

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Local Immigration: Assessing the Policy Capacity of Smaller Communities

Who should decide whether a smaller community is ready to welcome foreign-born residents? Who should participate in the design and implementation of a local immigration strategy? There has been an increasing policy interest in encouraging immigration settlement in smaller communities, as evidenced by the introduction of Rural and Northern Immigration pilots and soon-to-be Municipal Nominee…

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Regulations Urged for Short-term Rentals

The Union of B.C. Municipalities (UBCM) has made 13 requests of the province to consider in order to establish a regulatory framework for the short-term accommodations industry, similar to those in place for ride-hailing and other regulated industries.  Read The Report Here

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