Economic Development
Economic Resilience Action Plans: Toolkit for Plan Development
How to Use this Toolkit This toolkit was developed to accompany an in-person economic resilience planning process and help communities to fill gaps, expand their thinking about particular issues, and keep track of relevant questions to answer towards economic resilience. The toolkit explains each section of the plan and provides case studies, suggested activities, and…
Read MoreThe SEED Model for Sustainable Economic Development in Small Rural Towns via Outdoor Recreation
Abstract Rural small towns continue to face serious challenges, including population decline, high poverty levels, and insufficient infrastructure, among others. The sustainable ecosystem economic development (SEED) model provides a framework for remote rural communities to work collaboratively with government agencies, businesses, and nonprofits facilitated by project champions to develop and maintain healthy, sustainable economies. While…
Read MoreThe State of Rural Canada
The State of Rural Canada report provides a comprehensive overview of the diverse challenges and opportunities facing rural, remote, and northern communities across the country. While each region has its unique context, several overarching themes emerge from this fifth version of the report that paint a picture of rural Canada as a complex mosaic of…
Read MoreStudy on Supply Chain and Community Benefits of the Forest Sector
A new economic study focusing on local communities across BC was released today by the BC Council of Forest Industries (COFI). This study highlights the vital role of British Columbia’s forestry industry, as it touches so many communities across the province and employs British Columbians in a wide array of jobs. In 2022, the forestry…
Read MoreRural Resident Retention and Attraction Guidebook
Introduction to Rural Resident Retention and Attraction What is Resident Retention and Attraction? Resident retention and attraction (RRA) initiatives position communities to address issues associated with population size (e.g., low or declining number of residents) or population composition (e.g., aging population) — whether that be a shortage of skilled workers, low school enrolment, or a…
Read MoreStrategic Planning for Economic Development
Using the Strategic Planning Toolkit as a foundation, we’ll explore in-depth a handful of stages in the strategic planning process. You’ll hear from your peers in B.C. communities who have used the Strategic Planning Toolkit in different ways: Gold River’s community consultation process; 100 Mile House’s engagement with the municipal council; and the Regional District…
Read MoreWildfire Risk Reduction and Enhanced Fibre Utilization Project Funding
FESBC Welcomes Applications for Wildfire Risk Reduction and Enhanced Fibre Utilization Project Funding Kamloops, B.C. – The Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) continues to accept applications to fund forest enhancement projects, year-round. In the Provincial Government’s Budget 2024, FESBC was entrusted with $60 million in funding; $20 million to be allocated each year over…
Read MoreIncreasing Rental Housing in Rural Communities | Video
Watch the recording of the housing forum: Learn more about Cortes Housing Society
Read MoreSupporting Rural and Remote Economies: What Canada Must Do Now
Rural, remote, and northern regions are important and should be supported, not just because of their economic contributions (they contribute to over a quarter of Canada’s GDP) but because people in all parts of Canada should have similar levels of well-being. This is fundamental to our nation’s territorial cohesion. Accordingly, there is a lot of…
Read MoreIndigenous Education as the Impetus to Economic Resilience
Originally Written and Posted By Indigenous Prosperity Centre As we navigate the complex landscape of Indigenous procurement and economic development, a question that consistently occupies my thoughts is: What does economic resilience truly mean for Indigenous communities? Community development is at the heart of catalyzing economic resilience; the discussion today is mainly through the lens of…
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