COVID-19 — Information Sources for Rural, Remote, and Rural First Nations British Columbians
These are challenging times for all of us, whether we live in Lombardy or London, Bhutan or rural British Columbia.
Access to the best possible information regarding COVID-19 is crucial. Which is why we have put together this brief directory of trusted information sources for rural, remote, and rural First Nations British Columbians.
We will continue to monitor the evolving situation with an eye toward matters of particular importance for those of us who live outside our major metropolitan areas. Visit our website often to look for the latest updates.
Be safe, and be well.
BC Ministry of Health’s Coronavirus page.
First Nations Health Authority
CBC British Columbia
For those of you who lack decent radio and/or television access but are able to access the internet, here is the link to CBC British Columbia.
The Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues, a group that includes the Doctors of BC and the Ministry of Health, is providing a virtual care (sometimes referred to as “telehealth”) platform for every rural doctor and nurse practitioner serving rural, remote, and rural First Nations patients in BC.
The platform is called Zoom, a video conferencing solution that can currently meet rural/remote/First Nations needs re. connecting with patients, enlarging the healthcare team wrapped around patients, and supporting ER services. Among other things this enables providers who may not be able to be physically present to help carry some of the clinical workload for their teams.
You may want to pass this information along to your local clinic or healthcare provider, who may not be aware of this free service.
Accessing Zoom accounts for rural/remote/First Nations providers is available though the following link: